Beware of what you feed your mind

You are what you eat is a popular saying, well you also are what you think about most of the time.

Recently, I became really frustrated with where I am. Although, I am happy and grateful for all that I have achieved, I know there is a much higher level that I can reach.

Therefore, I asked myself a question, who do I need to become to achieve the things that I know I am capable of? What do I need to read? How do I need to spend my time? Etc etc

I continued on this journey until I got to the point where I asked myself about the things that I expose my mind to.

I am a big believer in the need to protect our minds. I have cut out Twitter, Facebook and other things that I feel do not serve me and I continue to do so each time that I realise that something is not helping me to become the person that I want to be.

I’m also not one to watch TV, I watch Netflix on a very rare occasion and I no longer have YouTube or a browser app on my phone. As a result, there has to be a pretty good reason for me to do a google search. This prevents me from googling the first thing that comes to my mind and also avoids me getting “lost in the web” or the TV for that matter.

There was one area however, that I had not thought about much. That was the music that I listened to.

Since secondary school I have created inspirational playlists. I can clearly remember periods of my life where I was mindful about the music that I listened to and the difference that it made to my mentality. Whether it was running a half marathon, studying for exams or going hard in the gym. In those moments, I chose the music that I listened to carefully.

Typically, I reserve any junk food for the weekends. If we continue to eat junk food regularly, we damage our health and our standard of living. The same goes for the other junk that we feed ourselves. Exposure to rubbish can damage our mentality and our spiritually.

All of these revelations gave me the kick start that I needed to cut down on the music that did not inspire me.

As a music artist there are some songs that inspire me because of the melody, flow and beat, but if the content is not serving me then it is not going to support my overall growth. Therefore, I have chosen to limit what I listen to on a regular basis.

What about you? How are you protecting and feeding your mind?

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