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I just wanna

I just wanna speak to you release a vibe
Own every moment you can’t lease or hire
Reach up higher
Tryna be the person that I see inside
Revealing times
Man in my reflection
Just reflecting in these deeper these times
Need to rhyme
Feed my mind
Read and Write
I could be a seller or a sniffer
The way I always need a line
Can’t depend on others why
Only I will push my dreams beyond the sky

I just wanna speak to you release a vibe
Get my actions right
Can’t be acting like all things are fine
Tryna change my world and yours
No time for a social life
But this work pays me
I’d be damned if I ain’t climbing high
Corporate ladders
Caught in traps cuz
I need to balance
Dreams, future, present madness
Didn’t get this flipping tracked mixed
Cuz it feels like the more I wait
The more I’m moving backwards
Heard a young rapper’s got cancer
That’s some kind a weight that makes your shoulder ache
And your back cancel
Got me feeling like I need to really take the pac angle
Cuz we don’t get 2
Me against the world reaching where most don’t get 2
Can’t even wait for a beat
Got me on Youtube
Taking beats like it’s my birthday
and my candle blew
Oh they can’t spot the fire
Lighting soundcloud oo
So I’m bugging
Mean mugging
my mac cuz
I aint buzzing
Lean luggage
I lap top
MC’s but it
Means nothing

Yeah It means nothing

Means nothing

Ambition ain’t enough
Talent too
You seen what happened to Wale

Can’t stand still so I need to fly
Keep grinding till all of my brothers eating right
Wright brothers we got mothers
Some of us
Are blessed to go home at night and greet a wife
Every day matters I can’t even lie
On my backside and sleep a night
Soul searching
Trina stay afloat
Cold surfing
The internet
Advertised lies deprive my intellect
And I aint into it
I try
Refocus in time
Get back to doing it all

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