Why I’m Voting For Corbyn

Right so this blog post doesn’t necessarily fit into the majority of what I post on here but, I felt the urge to explain my choice.

I have posted this on the day of the general election so it is way too late for it to be an influencing factor for others. Perhaps I should have done it sooner but I hadn’t and still haven’t done enough research to be influencing others on this topic.

I am by no means as well versed on politics as other rappers like Lowkey and Akala. I voted for the first time at the last election due to feeling a responsibility to let my voice be counted. I can’t even remember who I voted for, that’s how important it was to me then. This time around however, it is different.

Personally, I try to avoid following popular trends as much as possible. Whether this is to my own fault remains to be seen, but I just don’t like group think and following the masses.

Recently there has been a massive trend in the UK Grime and Hip Hop scene to 1) register to vote and 2) to vote for Corbyn. The recent Grime4Corbyn event is an example of this.

In general, when it comes to voting I feel so disconnected with the politicians and the politics that I avoid it. JME described it perfectly in an interview that he did with Corbyn, he said that people from our upbringings have little faith in what the government do for us therefore, we have the approach to just fend for ourselves and make the most out of our situation. This is often the perspective that I have taken.

The UK Rapper Akala is an artist and activist that I have a lot of respect for. So when he put out a statement highlighting why he will be voting for Corbyn I was intrigued.

From reading this statement alone I had made my decision. I have never come across a politician that seems as relatable and down to earth as Corbyn does. Furthermore he has a history of going against the grain for the good and is an activist for peace and equality.

Most politicians present a facade to get votes however, I don’t see that attitude with Corbyn. He just seems like a good ole bloke, you know a normal ole human being. This obviously is not enough of a reason to vote for him and I have looked into this a little bit more than that.

HOWEVER, with all this said, I still have very little faith in the government and I’m sure that if he was voted in there would still be huge obstacles in place for him to do the good that he wants. For me though I would rather vote for someone with good intentions.

Whether his intentions are just an imaginary wishlist will become very clear if he gets voted in. But, if he doesn’t I’ll rest peacefully knowing that I tried to do what I thought was best.

How about you? What are your thoughts? Did you vote?

Christopha Gordon


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