I used to say “When I find the one, I am going to be the best partner ever, I have so much love to give”. What I never realised however, was how much work I had to do on me. I was completely blind to it.
This sentiment also held true for my lofty ambitions to change the world. Changing the world is great and all, but first you have to start with yourself. Be the change you want to see in the world is a statement that I completely identify with. It’s easy to blame others or to want others to change. The hardest work however, is to take a deep look at yourself and ask, “What am I doing wrong? Who do I need to be to change the situation? Who do I need to be to make a difference?”
Too many times we wait for some future event to make a change. When so and so happens I’ll make a change. When I make lots of money I’ll give back, I’ll do what I love etc etc etc. But you don’t have to wait until some hypothetical time in the future to make a change, you can start small today.
For example, if you weren’t in the habit of giving to others and then you became a multi millionaire, what makes you think that you’ll be able to give sizable donations to others? If you had £5 million, could you easily give away 10% (£500,00) for a cause that you believe in? Maybe you could, but it is a much harder task if you haven’t already built the habit of giving.
Despite this fact, many people complain that those who are rich do not give enough to the less fortunate. But why are you waiting for someone else to do it? Get rich yourself and build the habits of giving now.
It’s easy to point the blame on others, but it’s harder to acknowledge the 3 fingers pointing back. It’s harder to ask ourselves the hard questions.
What is it that I need to change about myself in this situation to make a difference?