Key Questions for Your Yearly Reflections

For the last 8 or so years I have followed the Best Year Yet methodology for my yearly reflections and goal planning.

This year I used a different methodology to plan my goals, but I still find it useful for reflecting on the year.

The reflection focuses on the following key questions:

  1. What did I accomplish?
  2. What were my biggest disappointments?
  3. What did I learn?
  4. How do I limit myself and how can I stop?
  5. In which areas of my life am I not achieving what I want?
  6. What do I say about myself to explain these failures?

If you haven’t already reflected on the year, I would definitely recommend doing so. It’s easy to just fly through life without checking your steps. Reflecting on them allows you to learn from your disappointments and your accomplishments and then make corrections.

This is also a useful activity to create or review your goals.

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